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This Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main task is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city two learn a do learning education work for arrangements deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of happiness. All party members in the Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members education, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-party education from key minority to the vast number of party members expanded, from the concentration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions two study and education issued instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes the overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direction for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central two Forum on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the provincial peoples Congress, the provinces two study educational Conference, made specific arrangements to carry out study and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual city, research has developed a two educational programmes and study contents specific programmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp two educational responsibility since the partys 18, Comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the partys construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. Two study and education, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further promote the comprehensive strictly administering the partys firm determination and political will, to push forward the four comprehensive strategy is of great significance. We should be sup


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