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剑桥一级下册Unit1--10测试题 English Name_______________ 分数______________ 一 、按要求变换下列各词 A.写出下列名词的复数形式.(10 butterfly ________ sheep ________ foot ________ child ________ tomato ________ pencil-box ________ television ________ knife ________ radio ________ orange ________ apple ________ fly ________ banana ________ mango ________ boy ________ goat________ bus ________ photo ________ family ________ watch ________ B.写出下列各词的现在分词.-ing10 ride ________ take ________ swim ________ smell________ draw ________ listen ________ paint ________ do ________ read ________ kick ________ 二、用a或an填空10分) 1.__________ ice cream 2. __________ English book 3. __________ little monkey 4. __________ umbrella 5. __________ orange 6. __________ family photo 7. __________ egg 8. __________ big egg 9. __________ apple 10.__________ red apple 三. 选择填空。10 1. Look She is ______ milk. A. drink B. drinking C. drinks 2. I like_______ table tennis. A. play B. playing C. go 3. I ________ a beautiful girl. A. is B. are C. am 4. How many _______ are there There are three. A. girl B. book C. boys 5. Do you like_______ A. swim B. swiming C. swimming 6. Happy birthday, Peter __________. A. Thank you B. Happy birthday C. That’s OK. 7. What is she_________ She is reading a book. A. do B. doing c. does 8.__________you got a pencil A Have B Do 9. He is in __________of the door. A front B on 10. We often__________ TV. A see B watch 四、连词成句。10 1.do,what,like,colour,you _______________________________________ 2.favourite,sport,my,table,tennis,is ___________________________________________. 3.do,you,at,school,do,what _________________________________________________ 4.where,the,cat,is __________________________________________________ 5.are,you,doing,what, ___________________________________________________ 五、依据Ⅰ栏中句子,在Ⅱ栏中找出相应的答语。10 1. What’s your name A. Yes, I can. 2. What can you see B. It’s green. 3. Can you swim C. My name is Tom. 4. Do they like bananas D. He is 13. 5. How old is Peter E. Yes, they do. 6. Which colour do you like best F. May is playing tennis. 7. Who is playing tennis G. The girls are dancing. 8. What colour is the tree H. I often watch TV. 9. What are the girls doing I. I like purple best. 10. What do you often do on Children’s Day J. I can see 六.阅读短文,选择正确的答案填入题前括号内20 ★A★ This is a picture of Jim’s bedroom. It is not a nice room but it’s big. A football is under his chair. His desk is behind the door and it’s brown. We can see som


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