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剑桥少儿英语二级下册Unit2单元测试 姓名 分数 Listening30分 一、听录音填空(10分) Daisy is my ___________ ____________. She lives on a small __________. She is only seven years old, But she is _________. She has two big eyes and a small nose. We are in the __________ class. I like to _____ ___________, but she doesn’t she likes to _________ _______ her little ________. Do you know what they are She likes ____________ very much.. 二、listen and draw( 10分) 三、 listen and write.(10分) 1,Name____________ 2, Age ____________ 3,Where Ben lives by the _____________ 4, favourite sports ___________________ Writing70分 一、选出划线部分读音别出心裁的一项(10分) ( )1、A rain B play C day D boy ( )2、A draw B door C autumn D about ( )3、A star B dear C party D park ( )4、A bike B side C drink D fine ( )5、A dear B bear C hear D beer 一、 单选(10分) 1、Let’s go to the library. We can ___ a book ___ computers there. A take on B read on C find about 2、My bag is broken. I’ll _____ a new one. A to buy B buy C buying 3、Don’t ______ on the table. A sitting B sits C sit 4、Can I see _____ ,Lingling A they B their C them 5、Thank you ______ your help. A on B for C to 6、 _______ is the matter A What B When C Where 7、What do you want _____ A to eat B eating C ate 8、What’s the weather _____ A / B like C do 9、It’s ______. A rain B rains C rainy 10、Can you _____ pictures A drew B draw C drawing 三、 句型转换(10分) 1、She is a teacher.变为一般疑问句 ________ _________ a teacher 2、They will fly kites.(变为否定句) They _______ fly kites. 3、They can cook vegetables.(变为否定句) They ______ cook vegetables. 4、He visited the British Museum yesterday.(变为一般将来时态) _______________________________________________________. 5、There were many buses.(变为一般现在时态) _______________________________________________________. 6、This is a book.(变为复数句) _______________________________________________________. 7、I can help you.(改为疑问句) _______________________________________________________. 8、Can you run fast(作确定回答) __________________________. 9、I went there last year.(对划线部分提问) _______ did you ______ there 10、It’s about animals.(变为一般疑问句并作确定回答) ________________________________________________________. 四、阅读(20分) 一 I like sunny days because I can do many things outside. I don’t have to stay at home. I can play football with my friends. I can go to the park or visit the zoo. 1. Can you play football on sunny days ________ A .No, he doesn’t B. No, he can’t C. Yes, I can. 2. What can you do on sunny days _________ A. I ca


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