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制冷专业英语基本术语 制冷 refrigeration 蒸发制冷 evaporative refrigeration 沙漠袋 desert bag 制冷机 refrigerating machine 制冷机械 refrigerating machinery 制冷工程 refrigeration engineering 制冷工程承包商 refrigeration contractor 制冷工作者 refrigerationist 制冷工程师 refrigeration engineer 制冷技术员 refrigeration technician 制冷技师 refrigeration technician 制冷技工 refrigeration mechanic 冷藏工人 icer 制冷安装技工 refrigeration installation mechanic 制冷修理技工 refrigeration serviceman 冷藏链 cold chain 制冷与空调修理店 refrigeration and air conditioning repair shop 冷藏 refrigerated prvservation 一般制冷换热器英语 换热器 heat exchanger 热交换器 heat exchanger 紧凑式换热器 compact heat exchanger 管式换热器 tubular heat exchanger 套管式换热器 double-pipe heat exchanger 间壁式换热器 surface type heat exchanger 表面式换热器 surface type heat exchanger 板管式换热器 tube-on-sheet heat exchanger 板翅式换热器 plate-fin heat exchanger 板式换热器 plate heat exchanger 螺旋板式换热器 spiral plate heat exchanger 平板式换热器 flat plate heat exchanger 顺流式换热器 parallel flow heat exchanger 逆流式换热器 counter flow heat exchanger *流式换热器 cross-flow heat echanger 折流式换热器 turn back flow heat exchanger 干脆接触式换热器 direct heat exchanger 旋转式换热器 rotary heat exchanger 刮削式换热器 scraped heat exchanger 热管式换热器 heat pipe exchanger 蓄热器 recuperator 壳管式换热器 shell and tube heat exchanger 管板 tube plate 可拆端盖 removable head 管束 bundle of tube 管束尺寸 size of tube bundle 顺排管束 in-line hank of tubes 错排管束 staggered hank of tubes 盘管 coil 蛇形管 serpentine coil U形管 U-tube 光管 bare tube 肋片管 finned tube 翅片管 finned tube 肋管 finned tube 肋管束 finned tube bundle 肋片 fin 套片 plate fin 螺旋肋 spiral fin 整体肋 integral fin 纵向肋 longitudinal fin 钢丝肋 wire fin 内肋 inner fin 肋片管尺寸 size of fin tube 肋片厚度 fin thickness 肋距 spacing of fin 肋片数 pitch of fin 肋片长度 finned length 肋片高度 finned height 肋效率 fin efficiency 换热面积 heat exchange surface 传热面积 heat exchange surface 冷却面积 cooling surface 加热表面 heat exchange surface 基表面 primary surface 扩展表面 extended surface 肋化表面 finned surface 迎风表面 face area 流通表面 flow area 净截面积 net area;effective sectional area 迎风面流速 face velocity 净截面流速 air velocity at net area 迎风面质量流速 face velocity of mass 净截面质量流速 mass velocity at net area 冷(热)媒有效流通面积 effective area for cooling or heating medium 冷(热)媒流速 velocity of cooling or heating medium 干工况 dry condition;sensible cooling condition 湿工况 wet condition;dehumidifying condition 接触系数 contact factor 旁通系数 bypass factor 换热效率系数 coefficient of heat transmission effectiveness 盘管风阻力 air pressure drop of coil;air resistance of coil 盘管水阻力 pressure drop of cooling or heating medium 表面冷却 surface cooling 蒸发冷却 evaporating cooling 冷却元件 cooling element 涡流管制冷英语 涡流制冷效应 vortex refrigerating effect 兰克-赫尔胥效应 Ranque-Hilsch effect 涡流管制冷 vortex tube refrigeration 涡流管 vortex tube 兰克管 Ranque tube 膨胀喷嘴 expansion injector 涡流室 vortex device 分别孔板 separation orifice 调整阀 control valve 膨胀压力比 expansion pressure ratio 冷气流重量 cold gas fraction 热气流重量 hot gas fraction 冷却效应 cooling effect 加热效应 heating effect 冷却效率 cooling efficiency磁制冷英语 磁热效应 magnetocaloric


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