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奥巴马上海演讲稿全文 出任这个国家的总统。 and that is erica pose any system of government on any other nation, but s of expression_r_r_r_r and ation and political participation -- inorities -- erica39;s openness to other countries; our respect for different cultures; our mitment to international ladash;获得信息和政治参与的自由我们认为这些自由都是普世的权利,所有人都应当享有,包括少数民族和宗教少数派,不管是在美国、中国还是在任何其他国家。正是对普世权利的尊重指导着美国向其他国家开放,尊重各种不同的文化,致力于遵守国际法,并对未来抱有信念。 these are all things that you should knoerica.i also knouch to learn about china.looking around at this magnificent city -- and looking around this room -- i do believe that our nations hold something important in mon, and that is a belief in the future.neither the united states nor china is content to rest on our achievements.for bition, and a mitment to see that tomorrodash;环顾一下这个大厅我确信我们两个国家有一个很重要的共同点,那就是我们对未来的信念。美国和中国都不想满足于已取得的成就,止步不前。虽然中国是一个古老的国家,但你们显然也对未来满怀信心、雄心和使年轻一代能比这一代人更有作为的决心。 in addition to your groy, ire china39;s extraordinary mitment to science and research -- a mitment borne out in everything from the infrastructure you build to the technology you use.china is noobile phone s of energy that can both sustain groate change -- and i39;m looking fororros uch to help shape the 21st century. 我们不但钦佩中国日益增长的经济,还赞赏你们在科学研究方面极不平凡的努力从你们建设的基础设施到你们使用的技术,均体现出这种努力。中国现在是世界上最大的互联X使用国这也是我们今天很高兴能把互联X作为此次活动的一部分的原因。这个国家目前拥有世界上最大的移动X络,它正在投资发展既能维持可持续增长,又能应对气候变化的新型能源我期待着明天在这个至关重要的领域中深化两国的合作关系。然而,最重要的是,我在你们身上看到了中国的未来 年轻一代的聪明才智、献身精神和梦想将为塑造21世纪发挥巨大作用。 i39;ve said many times that i believe that our entally interconnected.the jobs ent game; one country39;s success need not e at the expense of another.and that is ember of the munity of nations -- a china that dradash;所有这一切都是共有的。鉴于这种相互联系,在21世纪,权力不应再成为一场零和游戏;一国的成功发展不应以他国为代价。这也就是为什么美国坚决表示我们不谋求遏制中国的崛起。恰恰相反,我们欢迎中国成为国际社会中一个强大、繁荣、成功的成员一个从你们这样的每个中国人的权利、实力和创造力中获得力量的中国。 to return to the proverb -- consider the past.ore is to be gained an beings have learned time and again, and that is the example of the history betust go beyond our government.it must be rooted in our people -- in the studies ust be built by young men and en just like you and your counterparts in america. 回到前面提到的那句古语回顾过去。我们知道,大国之间选择合作而非对抗会带来更大的惠益。这是人类不断汲取的一个教训,我们两国的关系史中也不乏其例。我深信,合作必须不止于政府间的合作。合作必须植根于我们的人民植根于我们共同进行的研究,我们的商贸活动,我们所学到的知识,乃至我们的体育运动。这些桥梁必须由你们这样的年轻人和美国的年轻人共同构筑。 that39;s pleased to announce that the united states atically expand the number of our students ark a clear mitment to build ties among our people, as surely as you ine the destiny of the 21st century.and i39;m absolutelyconfident that america has no better ambassadors to offer than our young people. for they, just like you, are filled ism about the history that is yet to be iddot;来说,再好的使者莫过于我们的年轻人。因为他们和你们一样,才华横溢,充满活力,对有待书写的历史篇章充满乐观。 so let this be the next step in the steady pursuit of cooperation that today39;s dialogue, i hope that it is a mitment to continue this dialogue going foruch.and i look fore questions from all of you.tha


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