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护士长竞职演讲稿The head nurses speech

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护士长竞职演讲稿The head nurses speech

护士长竞职演讲稿The head nurse,s speech. Hospital nurse competition, head nurse, speech Collection Hello everyone Here I am ordinary people,s mentality, participate in the competition for the position of head nurses. First of all, we should thank leaders for creating a fair competition for us The competition, I am not just to be, more to the corresponding personnel system changes the position ignore the value of your life to complete the call, in the possible situation. I am XX years old, China is preparing to Party members, college culture level, here you group the resume After several years of nursing work, so that all aspects of their nature can be improved, here for you in recent years by light to participate in this competition, I wou 1 d like to know yourself in seeking the truth, the positive enterprising in endlessly seeking, in the struggle to complete the filial price, improve their competition in the market. I know that the head nurses mission is very necessary, this first body, that will be as follows three aspects first, for the hospital leadership good staff, two is to care for sisters good supervisor, three is for front-line staff good background. In particular, that is, the correct position, as a primary role; mind the overall situation, as a consultant; obedience to leadership, as a good assistant. I also know that the nurse task is very hard, as the social spread of our mission as comrades like a dog, honest by sheep, pig, cow, busy ma. But they like wax, extinguish yourself, illuminate the stranger; they like bamboo, hollowed out, ladder. If I win, I thought the task is for their three efficiency” to the three point to identify the task starting point, with the three extreme principle in dealing with people. Three orders is ascribed to the party spirit, enthusiastic perance criteria, according to the objective objective. Do not owe the service, the initiative is not offside, stick to no bias, harmony, leisure. The three point is when the higher requirements and practical work I meet, I will try my best to find the scattered points vigorously dispute; when the interests between departments, I will from the legislation and policy responsibilities continue to find a balance between the leadership; do disagree, I will from the few leaders. The angle and the intention of understanding similar point down. The Over three is too hot and cold, the people do not engage in lalacheche, chuichuipaipai, such as partition along; rigid flexible display, on the matter when you break, not carelessly; thickness of excessive, that event is not ignorant, little things together. Do the same busy understanding, less complaints, more humble, less derogatory, passionate, less indifferent. Few words quiet Listen, flattery from listening, down listening, refute polite listening, to show strength in the service, in the task of power, enhance the pressure in the innovation, in the consolidation and were friends together. If I w


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