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我国商业银行个人金融业务的现状及发展策略 摘 要 为了顺因国际金融业的发展潮流,我国的商业银行正在加快个人金融业务的 发展以应对来自外资银行的挑战。 如今世界上许多的发达国家进过了长时间的发展,对客户服务理论,服务方 式以及客户的管理方面有了深入的研究与探索,因此发达国家的个人金融业务发 展蓬勃,尽管国外银行大多实行混业经营在监管方面还存在不少的漏洞,但是我 国目前在个人金融业务方面还处于起跑阶段,虽然经过近十年的发展,但是不论 从产品的质量与内容还是客户的服务与国外的商业银行仍然相比还有相当大的 差距。通过对比,中国商业银行个人金融业务存在产品创新的市场定位不够明确, 人力资源和技术储备滞后,缺乏信用分析和风险控制等问题。通过分析发达国家 的发展经验,从中得出为我国将来的发展的其实与建议。 因此为了应对国内外双重竞争压力与客户不断增长的需求,我国商业银行的 个人金融业务迫切需要加快产品的创新力度,本着以“客户为重心”的原则,针 对不同全体不同类型的人群设计不同的产品,加强银行员工的职业素质,提高服 务水平,而且要加快银行电子网络的建设,提供安全高速的网络银行服务。在完 善服务和产品的同时,还需要改进现有的个人金融业务体系,做好整合银行内部 资源,优化管理结构的工作,加强监管提高银行的竞争能力。 关键词个人金融业务发展状况产品创新对策 Chinese commercial banks* personal financial situation and development strategy Abstract In order to smooth the development of the international financial industry trend, Chinas commercial banks are accelerating the development of personal financial services to meet the challenges from foreign banks. Nowadays, many of the worlds developed countries, been to a long development, customer services theory, service and customer management approach with in-depth study and exploration, it developed a thriving personal financial services, although most of the implementation of foreign banks still have many regulatory loopholes, but after nearly a decade of development ,Chinese commercial banks personal financial services is still in the starting stage, but regardless of the quality and content from the product or customer service and business abroad banks still have a considerable gap compared. By contrast, Chinas commercial bank personal finance business are product innovation, market orientation is not clear enough, human resources and technical reserves lag, lack of credit analysis and risk control issues. By analyzing the development experience of developed countries, drawn from the future development of our country in fact and recommendations. Therefore, the dual pressure of competition at home and abroad in response to growing customer demand, Chinas commercial banks urgently need to speed up the personal financial services product innovation, in line with customer focusM principle, for different types of people of all different design products, to enhance the professional quality of banking staff, improve service levels, and electronic networks to speed up the construction of banks to provide secure high-speed Internet banking services. Improve the services and products in the same time, individuals need to improve existing financial business system and do the integration of banks internal resources, optimizing the management structure of the work, strengthen the supervision to improve the competitiveness of banks. KEYW ORDS personalfinancial services,development,product innovation ,countermeasures 目录 引言5 第一章绪论6 1.1选题理由以及意义6 1.2研究内容6 第二章 国内外个人金融业务发展进程7 2.1国内金融业务的发展进程7 2.1.1我国银行个人金融业务的发展战略7 2.1.2我国商业银行个人金融业务的发展状况7 2.2国外金融业务的发展进程7 2.2.1国外银行个人金融业务的历史发展7 2.2.2国外银行个人金融业务的发展现状8 第三章 发达国家商业银行个人金融业务的分析10 3.1发达国家商业银行个人金融业务的发展趋势10 3.1.1个人金融业务


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