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市政类二级建筑师模拟题 a The structure of the road structure is 7cm asphalt concrete pavement, 15cm thick cement stable gravel, 15cm thick and 12 lime stable soil, 15cm thick and 8 per cent lime improve soil cushion layer. The excavation depth is within 0・ 2 Im. The construction period is during the rain period. According to the scene 1, answer the following questions The appropriate way to do this is . A must be excavated according to the center line of the measuring and the side pile, and the average length of each side is 300 500mm B no, no, no, no, no, no, no The C roller is not less than 8t roller D cross street rainwater pipe should be run after roller compaction Answer A, In the compaction of the subsoil compaction, the soil moisture content reaches the compacted effect is the best. A liquidity limit B the best water content C saturation water content D plastic limit Answer B 3, the mud stabilizes the gravel from start to add water to completely compacted delay time, usually not exceed A3h B5h C6h D3 〜4 h. Answer D layer is pressed, it is strictly on the wheel. When the engineering surface forbidden to brush or spray A mixed detergent water B diesel C isolation agent D anti-sticking agent Answer B In the column option, the measures for the construction of the road base rain are A day is finished, finished, compacted, left behind B how much, how much, how much, how much C does not allow the construction of the lower layer wet, in time to spread out and finish the compaction D build a movable tent at the site so that it can continue when it rains Answer A, 2 The construction of a municipal overpass project is based on the cast-in-place pile, the eight prismatic pier, and the upper structure is the prestressed concrete box girder with the cross-diameter 25m. The pile foundation is mainly through gravel soil less than 20 gravel, which is more than two-thirds of the diameter of the drill pipe. The project is subcontracted to the professional construction company. Two things happened in the construction of the bored pile 1 the presence of a large hole in the hole of 7 piles 2 there is a quality accident in 21 . In construction, because the drilling unit does not comply with the safety management of the general contractor unit, the safety accident is caused. Precast beams are made and pulled in the field. The prestressed pipe is made of metal coils. The concrete strength of the girder was not stipulated in the prestressed beam tensioning, and the cement mortar was not mixed with admixtures. There are four jacks that have been used since the test the one jack has been used for seven months, but only 15 times; The 2 jack has been used for 3 months and has been used 200 times The third jack has been used for five months and has been used 95 times The no. 4 jacks are abnormal in the use of the jacks. According to the scene, answer the following questions The 7 s1ump in thi


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