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Unit one take place, come about, occur, happen appreciate the beauty of life celebrate the harvest in autumn, celebrate the end of the cold weather wedding celebration starve for love the origin of human being, the original design, the original There is nothing to be gained from waiting. award the Nobel Prize to Tu Youyou award Tu Youyou the Nobel Prize win awards for their farm produce admire the big and bright moon, strong admiration, an admirable teacher save the drowning girl in the river drown...in... drown sadness in wine wipe the tears with her handkerchief hold back the tears hold the belief, have great belief in, lose ones belief in after my arrival at school gain national independence after long struggles seem happy and energetic without permission apologize to his teammates for his mistakes forgive his bad manner; forgive him for his being late play a trick onplay tricks on play jokes on play a joke on make fun of do harm to in the shape of, in the name of, in the of be covered with be proud oftake pride in wave at the crowds with smile in memory of, in honor of in face of, in need of, in search of in charge of, in favor of day and night dress up in the costume as the Santa Claus for the party set off for home, set out, set about, set back, set up remind me of my old roommate religious influence hold ones breath out of breath keep ones word attract worldwide attention as if as though have fun with parking lot local custom, old/ancient custom agricultural products look forward to your reply, look forward to receiving a gift turn up on time decorate the Christmas tree with ribbon honor the dead satisfy the ancestors either to help or to do harm festivals and celebrations of all kinds light incense lead their ancestors back to earth an important feast day offer food to their ancestors gather some food for the winter gain Indias independence from Britain colorful clothing of all kinds heart-broken should have done(虚拟片ought to have done(虚拟)本该做却没做 should not have done(虚拟)ought not to have done(虚拟)本不该做却做了 should do (应该)ought to do(应该) should not do (应该片 ought not to do(应该) must have done(猜测)对过去事情的肯定猜测 might have done(猜测)对过去事情的fi定猜测,但确定程度较小 cant/ couldnt have done(猜测)对过去事情的否定猜测 can/could have done(猜测/虚拟)①对过去事情的肯定猜测川,能做了...②虚拟本能够 做却没有做 They got married secretly three years ago. They have been married for three years.(marry) He behaved as if nothing had happened.(as if) The little girl walked on the street, singinR happily. The man sat in the armchair, reading a book.(伴随状语) Either my father or I am going to buy salt. (either...or) It was obvious that Lucy was angry with Jack for his being late for their date, (it is obvious that...) Unit 2 keep a diet go on a diet be on a diet a balanced diet stir-fried limited time, unlimited space benefit from reading, benefit by reading, to your benefit, be beneficial to our health a man of strength, push the door with al


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