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名词性从句练习 名词性从句练习1 Multiple choice 1help if you can, and our country will improve more quickly and better. A. Giving B. Give C. Given D. To give 2・・・I w川 take an umbrella with me today. it rains later on in the day A. How B. What C. How about D. What if 3 Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of that 4; After ten years, she changed a lot and look different from he used to be. A. that B. whom C. what D. who 5is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D. What 6 Hes got himself into a dangerous situation he is likely to lose control over the plane. A. Where B. which C. while D. why 7 Ination has been put forward more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. while B. that C. when D. as 8 What the doctors really doubt is my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A. when B. how C. whether D. what 9air is to man, so is water to fish. A. since B. Just C. Like D. As 10 There is plenty of rain in the south there is little in the north. A. while B. as C. when D. so 11several times about it, but he could not give the correct answer. A. Being asked B. Having been asked C. he would ask D. He had been asked 12the days went on, the situation there got worse. A. With B. Since C. While D. As 13.everybody is here, lets set out right away. A. With B. Since C. while D. As 14 The science of medicine,progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences. A. to which B. in which C. which D. with which 15 We must do the experiment carefully Miss Liu told us. A. what B. since C. as D. while 16 Tony will never forget these days she lived in China with her mother, has a great effect on her life. A. that; which B. when; which C. which; that D. when; that 17I know, they will go to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games in 2008. A. Since B. so far as C. In case D. As if 18 What are you anxious about ・・. A. Whether we can succeed B. If we succeed C. do we succeed D. That we can succeed 19 You should put the dictionary you can find it easily. A. where B. the place C. the place on which D. what 20 She said to me, Tll tell you the result of the test I know it. A. because B. the moment C. after D. though 21 Grandpa used to tell us something about the Cultural Revolution”he had time to spare. A. as soon as B. as C. so that D. whenever 22 Li Fang is very busy,shes always helping others with their lessons. A. but B. although C. so D. for 23 Getting a right job can be difficult the students prepared to deal with the job interview. A. if; wont B. unless; will C. unless; areD. if; are 24 Everything depends on they w川 support you about it. A. if B. which C. whether D. that 25 She won the first prize in the speech contest and surprised us. A. which B. it C. as D. who 26 The Oscar is one of the film


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