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第一套 Class 1 吕诗文 Part One Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Several studies have shown that humor seems to help sick people get back their health faster. The idea is not new. But today, doctors are still trying to figure out exactly how this works. In some hospitals, doctors do scientific experiments with laughter. They show funny films like Mr. Bean to patients who have diseases to make them laugh. Actors dress up in silly clothes and tell funny jokes. Smiles and laughter seem to make illness less painful. In addition, the hospital atmosphere is more cheerful for everyone. Part Two Make quick responses to the sentences you hear 1. How do you go to school everyday By bus/car/ on foot. 2. Why dont you wear that new coat It is too big/rather small for me/It doesnt fit me/ it is too cold today. 3. Watch your steps, please. Thanks, I will. 4. Hey, please dont use my dictionary without asking. Sorry, I wont./Sorry, I will ask for your permission next time. 5. Oh, Im really sorry, Ive knocked over your tea. It doesnt matter/ Take it easy. Part Three Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation 1-2 You want to buy a digital camera. You are now at the camera counter in a department store. You ask the shop assistant... 1. How much is this type of camera 2. which type of camera is the best 3. May I have a look at latest digital camera 4. Can you show me how to operate it 5. Where can I have it repaired if it doesnt work 6. How long is the guarantee period 3-4 Your friend Li Mei has just relumed from her trip to Qingdao. You ask her ... 1 .Did you enjoy your trip to Qingdao 2. How long did you stay in Qindao 3. Which places did you visit while you were in Qingdao 4. How did you get to Qingdao Part Four You will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk on this topic in at least six sentences. Do you think it necessary for teenagers to keep off fast food such as fried chicken and potato chips Why or why not I think it necessary for teenagers to keep off fast food because fast foods are mostly unhealthy. Although they taste delicious, they contain a lot of fat. Eating too much of junk food will affect our appetite and prevent us from taking in nutritious food. Whats worse, if we have fast foods more often, it is more possible for us to gain much weight. So, in my opinion, fast foods do great harm to our health and we should keep away from them. Part Five you will have one minute to prepare and another minute to talk about the following pictures in at least seven sentences. Begin your talk with the sentence given. Yesterday was Xiao Mings seventeenth birthday. Yesterday was Xiao Mings seventeenth birthday. We went to Xiao Mings home much excitedly with our carefully selected gifts a bunch of flowers, a lovely small bear and a toy car. Xiao Mao


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