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1. Song (2 分) Sing an English song which you like best. 2. Reading (8 分) A. Read the words.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. Africa 2. theatre 3. favourite 4. bite B. Read the phrases.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. Nanjing History Museum 2. wait for the next train 3. draw a triangle4. sing a popular song C. Read the passage. (4 分) There are four seasons in a year spring, summer, autumn and winter. In our city, spring is very short. It usually begins in March. It is warm. Summer is very hot and it is usually from June to August. Autumn is cool, and starts in September. Winter is very cold. It is from December to February. The best time to come to our city is spring or autumn. 3. Answer the teacher5s questions.(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 4. Topic.(不少于8句,5分) 1. Song (2 分) Sing an English song which you like best. 2. Reading (8 分) A. Read the words.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. Africa 2. theatre 3. favourite 4. bite B. Read the phrases.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. Nanjing History Museum 2. wait for the next train 3. draw a triangle4. sing a popular song C. Read the passage. (4 分) 3. Answer the teacher5s questions.(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Greetings. 1. What date is it today What holiday is coming soon 2. Whafs your favourite holiday When is it 3. What do you usually do on 4. What did you do last 5. What are you going to do this 4. Topic.(不少于8句,5分) Say something about your favourite season or your favourite festival. 1. Song (2 分) Sing an English song which you like best. 2. Reading (8 分) A. Read the words.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. gladder 2. different 3. countryside 4. clap B. Read the phrases.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. twenty minutes earlier 2. make a snowman 3. do my best4.walk in the mountains C. Read the passage. (4 分) Yangzhou is a beautiful city in Jiangsu. There are many interesting places there. Last summer holiday I was in Yangzhou. I wanted to visit Shouxi Lake, but I did not know the way. I asked a policeman for help. He told me to take bus No.21 and get off at the fourth stop. Then I walked around Shouxi Lake and took many photos there. I had a good time. 3. Answer the teachers questions.(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 4. Topic.(不少于8句,5分) 二0 二年金坛市小学毕业考试 英语口语测试试卷B卷(教师用) 1. Song (2 分) Sing an English song which you like best. 2. Reading (8 分) A. Read the words.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. gladder 2. different 3. countryside 4. clap B. Read the phrases.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. twenty minutes earlier 2. make a snowman 3. do my best4.walk in the mountains C. Read the passage. (4 分) 3. Answer the teachers questions.(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Greetings 1. Whafs the weather like today 2. What season is it now 3. Which season do you like best Why 4. What do you usually do in Do you 5. Are you going to ---this What are you going to do this 4. Topic.(不少于8句,5分) Say something about yourself or your best friend. 1. Song (2 分) Sing an English song which you like best. 2. Reading (8 分) A. Read the words.(每小题 0.5 分,共 2 分) 1. hotel 2. firefly 3. speci


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