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QUALITY AND COST-BASED SELECTION QCBS UATION OF FINANCIAL PROPOSALS A. BACKGROUND 1. The purpose of the uation of Consultants* Financial Proposals FPs is to verify that the costs itemized in the FPs adequately cover the services offered in the Consultants* Technical Proposals TPs. For the purpose of maintaining fairness and transparency in the ranking of Proposals,A Proposal consists of two components the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal. it should be possible upon completion of the ranking for COSO and cuting Agencies EAs to provide a debriefing to a Consultant who ted Proposal advising in broad terms how the Consultants Proposal was ranked. 2. For uation of TPs, the process is structured and well defined as the uation is pered using criteria developed by the EAs Consultant Selection Committee CSC members during the short-listing meeting and the Request for Proposal RFP sent to shortlisted firm contains a copy of the Summary uation Sheet SES and the Personnel uation Sheets PES with corresponding criteria. However, as similar criteria do not exist for uation of FPs, it is important that guidance is given to COSO and the EAs as to the procedures to be followed for uation of FPs. B. PROCEDURES 3. Instructions in the RFP require that shortlisted consultants* FPs be in a at which indicates the unit cost and quantities of the various components. In addition, the FP must include provisional sums and contingencies in accordance with requirements indicated in the Data Sheet of the RFP. 4. Following completion of the public opening of FPs, the concerned EA shall uate the FPs using the following procedures a. Check for Commercial Compliance i Check if the Proposal validity period accords with that indicated in the RFP Data Sheet. ii Check if the FP contains any statements which make its contents restrictive or conditional e.g. requirements that ADB in addition to costs indicated in the FP, should also reimburse the consultant for any tax payable in the consultants home country or in the DMC where the services are to be pered; or a statement advising should the implementation period of services exceed 12 months from the date of contract signing, the Client shall increase all unit costs indicated in the Financial Proposal by 5. These are just two examples of conditions that consultants might state in the FP. For such cases, the uator must determine if such statements make the consultants FP a conditional offer and if this is found to be the case, the FP should receive an uation score of zero. However, before such action is taken, the uation should be discussed with the Loan Consulting Unit LCU Head and if need be with concerned COSO Director. b. Arithmetical Check i Check multiplications. ii Check summation of sub-total and total. Where plus or minus - errors are found, corrections should be made and details of adjust


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