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中国科学技术大学现代远程教育入学考试 大学英语考武或卷2 (专科起点本科) [注意]完成本卷上选择题部分时,清考生用铅笔或钢笔将答题纸相对应的选 项涂黑涂满,浓度应盖过印刷字。做在试卷上或未按上述要求答题的作零分 计。主观题部分用铅笔或圆珠笔完成。 I 词汇结构60分在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑。 1. Please out when the ship sails for Shanghai. A lookB findC searchD research 2. The human is the center of higher nervous activity. A brainB mindC headD thought 3. Can you your sister in that crowd of people A choose B selectC electD pick out 4.1 have my book in the train. A forgotten B leftC mistakenD forgot 5. Mr Kiney pass an examination before she could practice law. A had to B mustC needD has to 6. The boys are sweating all over. They . A must be workingB must have been working C may be workingD must work 7. You needift thank me . This is what I do. A should be able toB had better C ought toD might 8. Please anytime you are in town. I shall be glad to see you. A call for B call out C call upon D call in 9. Jack a very promising young singer. A is looked upon asB looks upon as C is looked on likeD looks upon like 10. Would you mind it I didnt quite . A repeating , catch on C to repeat, catch out B to repeat, catch on D repeating , catch out 11. This is the outline of our program. We want them the details. A working outB making out C to work outD to make out 12. The train pulled and all the passengers got A in, offB up, onC down, outD out, off 13. of the workers has his own bench. A EachB Every C OtherD All 14. Are there among the new books that interest you A someB oneC anyD both 15. The speed of light is greater than of sound. A thisB thatC theseD those 16. This substance reacts as fast as the other one. A Third times B three times C three time D time three 17. One of these books easy for you to read; the others all very difficult. A are, isB is, areC were, was D are, will be 18. Engles said that what Darwin for biology for history. A had done, was, had doneB has done, is, has done C did, has been, had doneD does, is ,does 19. By next summer John in his factory fbr three years. A have been workingB will have been working C will be workingD has worked 20. The books which you most those which you think most. A helps, is, makesB help, are, make C will help, are, will makeD helped, were, made 21. Smoking constitutes a danger ones health. A ofB wi比C inD to 22. We feel great pity war victims. A atB onC forD about 23. What is the penalty speeding A against B onC forD to 24. His success was due to he had been working hard . A thatB the fact which C the fact thatD the fact of 25. Mr Smith looked very depressed. Do you know trouble was A hisB why his C how his D what his 26. He works too hard. That is is wrong with him. A that whichB that what C whatD the thing what 27. A driver should slow down there are many houses. A wh


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