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服装标准术语Clothing Standard Terminology Clothing Standard Terminology Professional terms not only help to improve the efficiency of learning and work, but also facilitate exchanges among the industry, increase the amount of ination and expand the scope of business. In business dealings, mos t people don tl ike dealing with outsiders. Business communication difficulties, often affect the entire business process. Clothing terminology Most disciplines or professions have their own concepts and terms. Like cartographic symbols, terminology is also a language, a language that is often used and used for communication in the apparel industry. Terminology makes industrial production possible. In the national standard, the basic content of clothing terminology is specified in detail. The standard is a recommended standard, and in practical application, regardless of its connotation or extension, it should be in accordance with fashion and industry habits. The interpretation of some terms has a certain locality. Costume design is a kind of creative conception activity. In the actual operation, this activity runs through the whole process of enterprise activities, from market research, production conditions, enterprise strategy to artistic conception, struetural modeling, sample clothing adjustment, etc. . The narrow sense design refers to the work which the designer independently does the generalized design should be the integration effect of the enterprise activity. The terms related to fashion design in the national standard are in narrow sense. [clothing style style] refers to the style of clothing, usually refers to the shape factor, is one of the elements of modeling. [clothing modeling modeling] refers to the overall clothing artistic effect ed by the elements of clothing modeling. The division of modeling elements is divided into three elements style, color matching and fabric from specific modeling; From abstract modeling to point, line, surface, shape, body, color, quality, light, etc., from components into shoes and hats, coats, jackets, underwear, accessories and so on. The silhouette silhouette clothing backlit silhouette effect. It is the first visual element of clothing style design, which is the first factor to be considered in the fashion design, and secondly is the int ernal par t modeling of par ting line, collar type, sleeve type and pocket type. Profile is an important factor in the development of fashion. [style design design drawing] refers to the clothing style modeling of the plane map. This kind of design chart is the basic skill that garment professionals must master. Because it is simple and easy to master, it is the basic way to express the style of clothing in the industry. [clothing effect diagram effect drawing] refers to the perance of the human body in a particular time, special place wearing clothing effect diagram. Business owners should learn to read clothing renderings. Clothing renderings usual


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