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Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

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Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 考点一重点单词重点短语 1. Tim can drive us there. He got his driver’s l_____________ when he was 16. 2. Old Henry seems clever, but he always does s___________ things. 3. Luckily, she has an o_______________ to make an advanced study in Beijing. 4. Every m___________ of her family came to the wedding. 5. We should be allowed to d___________ our own uni. 6. Wang Hong taught in a city. But she v_______________ to teach in the countryside. 7. You should c_____________ more on saving money rather than on spending it. 8. At p__________ more and more children are allowed by their parents to find part-time jobs. 9. Please clean up the classroom. It’s real m_______. 10. On Friday afternoons, many students are very s____________ after a long week of classes. 11. I would like to r____________ to your question. 12. We should o__________ the rules at school. 13. Mr. Wang t____________ us to read and write last year. 14. These p___________ show that Liu Yu is unhappy with his parents. clean up a good experience fail a test agree with care about instead of be allowed to the other day at least in the way go out stay up be good for learn from have Friday afternoons off 1. Students in Junior 3 always have too much homework to do, so they often ____________ late. 2. Though he is still a bit ill, he goes to school _______________ staying at home. 3. It’s necessary to ______________ your bedroom every day. 4. I think teenagers should be allowed ______________ with their friends on weekends. 5. Teenagers should ___________________ choose their own clothes. 6. They often help each other and _______________ each other. 7. Eating more vegetables ______________ your health. 8. It would be ________________ for me because I want to be a doctor when I’m older. 9. _____________, my parents talked with me about my study. 10. The girl is so careless that she often ___________________. 11. There are ______________ 2,000 students in our school. 12. They did not _________________ our new proposal. 13. Some students should be allowed to __________________ to volunteer and help others. 14. His parents always ______________ his success at school. 15. Some bad things can get ___________________ of school work. 考点二instead的用法 课文再现They talk instead of doing homework. instead adv.单独位于句首或句尾 instead of n./ v-ing/ pron./ prep ph. 留意take the place of What a nice day We should go sightseeing ____________ watching TV in the hotel. A. because of B. instead of C. together with D. out of We’ve got no coffee. Let’s have tea _________. A. either B. however C. yet D. instead 考点三关于Teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends every night.的分析 1. 含情态动词的被动语态主动语态vs被动语态的句型结构确定/否定/疑问 课文再现He should stop wearing that silly earring. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. Teenagers often think they should be


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