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Unit 3 Section 3 巩固

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Unit 3 Section 3 巩固

Unit 3 Section Ⅲ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.The computer,__with____whose help we human beings have stepped into the ination age,should be regarded as one of the most important inventions in the 20th century. 解析先行词是computer,指物,关系词在从句中作help的定语,而关系词+help又作介词with的宾语,with前置。从句的意思是“在它电脑的帮助下,我们人类进入了信息时代。” 2.A completely new situation is likely __to_arise____arise when the new law comes into effect. 解析句意当这条新法律生效时,一个全新的形势很可能会出现。be likely to do...“可能”。 3.Over the past four years,the Chinese naval escort海军护航队 has successfully watched__over____ more than 5,000 ships from China. 解析句意在过去的四年里,中国海军护航队胜利爱护了中国的5 000多艘船只。watch over照看,爱护。 4.Can you tell me __what____he is busy dealing with now 解析考查宾语从句引导词的用法。句意你能告知我他现在在忙于处理什么吗动词短语deal with“处理”,后面应当跟宾语,所以运用能作宾语的引导词what。受定势思维的影响,此题易误填how。 5.I didnt quite follow him because he explained the theory __in____a way that is too abstract抽象的for me. 解析考查介词短语。句意我听不太懂他说的话,因为他用一种对我来说很抽象的方式说明这个理论。in a way在某种程度上;以某种方式。 6.Though __tired____tire,the children still played with snow on the playground with great joy. 解析考查状语从句的省略。句意尽管很累了,孩子们仍旧很有兴致地在操场上玩雪。Though tired=Though the children were tired。 7.Mary doesnt believe what he has said,__for____ he always tells lies. 解析句意玛丽不信任他所说的话,因为他总是撒谎。for为并列连词,补充说明缘由。 8.As is known to all,there are several different blood __types____type. 解析句意众所周知,有多种血型。blood type意为“血型”,为固定表达。 9.They look very tired. Well,they have just finished a race.__After____all,it is 1,500 meters long. 解析考查短语词义辨析。句意他们看上去很累。噢,他们刚完成一个赛跑。要知道,距离长1 500米。after all终归,终究;别忘了。 10.The traffic policeman signaled the driver __to_stop____stopfor a check. 解析句意警察示意司机停车接受检查。 Ⅱ.选择短语并用其适当形式填空 after all,with the help of,deal with,give...away,signal to,watch over,a type of,make good use of,in a way, make up 1.The professor wrote a book__dealing_with____ the Middle East. 2.Please __watch_over____ my dog while Im on holiday,OK 3.A police car drew alongside and __signalled_to____ me to stop. 4.The ostrich鸵鸟 is __a_type_of____ large bird that can run very fast. 5.I was afraid the kids would __give____ the whole thing __away____. 6.__In_a_way____,Im not willing to take part in the activities. 7.__With_the_help_of____ my friend,I overcame克服 the difficulty. 8.Don’t punish him.__After_all____,he is only a child. 9.We need 50 to __make_up____ for the loss. 10.The boy can __make_good_use_of____ his spare time to learn English. Ⅲ.单句改错 1. When finished the work,she went home.finished→finishing 2.By the time he went there,it has become dark.has→had 3.What did you deal with that difficult situationWhat→How或deal→do 4.In the way,we have something in common.the→a 5.It is typical for the man to be kind to others.for→of Ⅳ.完成句子 1.__Whenever_I_see_him____,he’s reading. 我无论什么时候看到他,他都在看书。 2.The day has broken,__for_the_birds_are_singing____. 天亮了,因为鸟儿在唱歌。 3.__With_the_help_of____ our friends,we’re likely to overcome difficulty and succeed. 在挚友们的帮助下,我们就


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