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3册using language

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3册using language

必修3 Unit Three Using language 导学案 Class Group No.___ Name 组内评价 老师评价______ 【Learning Aims】 1. To comprehend the sad love story of Li Fang, and the Qiqiaojie and improve your reading comprehension, listening and writing abilities. 2. To learn to express your ideas freely through self-directed study and cooperation. 【Instructions】 1. 自学10分钟课上自学课本P77-78课文,独立完成学案题目。 1)先快速阅读了解文章的大意并完成Task I. 2)再细读课文1遍,完成 Task II和Task III. 把学案上出现的短语和句子在课文中划出作重点理解。 【分层目标】A层完成以下内容后,背诵课文复述短文。 B层可结合课本P78-79句子分析来理解课文。 C层要理解文章大意。 温馨提示 难于理解的句子要结合课后注释做好理解,仍未解决得的要用问号标注出来,等待课堂质疑解决。 【自主学习】 Pre-reading activity(读前) 阅读文章内容的长度,把握阅读速度;结合插图,揣测文章话题。 请根据右栏自学引领,分两遍读课文,并完成相关题目。 Task I Skimming --- Skim the text and find out the main idea of the story. What’s the main idea of this text_____________ Task II Careful reading----Read the passage carefully and tell the statements True or false. 1. Hu Jin and Li Fang would meet at the certain coffee shop after work.. 2. At first Li Fang was angry at Hu Jin’s disappearance. 3. She was so angry that she throw away the gift.. 4. Zhinu was married to Niulang on the day called Qiqiaojie . 5. The grandmother find Zhinu heart-broken, deciding to let them meet once a year. 6. Li Fang would never forgive Hu Jin. Task III Re-reading and answer the questions. 1. Why was the TV story what Li Fang needed 2. Why do people want the weather to be fine on Qiqiao Festival 3. What do you think Li Fang will explain to his girlfriend Task IV Underline the following key phrases in the text and them.在文中勾画出重点词组和句子 1. 出现,露面 2. 现在 3.和某人结婚 4. 讪笑 5. 信守诺言 6. 一成天都盼着见她 7.屏住呼吸 8.因某事向某人致歉 9. 借咖啡消愁 10....使自不待言的 11. 究竟 12. 喜爱上,爱上 13. 穿过银河每年见一次面 14. 称之为中国的情人节 15. 回家,动身往家走 16. 提示某人想起某物 17. 扔掉 18. 因某事宽恕某人 【学贵有疑】 Set down words and sentences that you cannot understand in the preview. We can discuss them in class. 【合作探究】 This writing assignment offers the students the opportunity to engage imaginatively in the story and use their own ideas to create an ending. Now using your imagination to give an ending of the story. You can reflect on stories that you know or have seen in films if you wish. You can refer to the following hints Think of how Li Fang will explain that the flowers and chocolates are gone. Think of what Hu Jin will say when she hears that news. Think of an ending to the story that will solve the problem.Will Li Fang be happy or sad. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________


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