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3AMarriage Across the Nations ok

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3AMarriage Across the Nations ok

Unit Three Section A Marriage Across the Nations Part One Vocabulary 1. character n [C] 1 quality that make sb. a particular type of person 性格,特性 nature 本性 personality 特性 They look like each other, but they have quite different characters. She has a gentle character. 她性格温顺. He has a changeable character.他性格多变. 2 quality that make sth. what it is and different from others 特点,特征attribute n 属性feature 特点,特征 3)(小说,喜剧等的)角色,人物 figure 人物 an important figure a main / leading character in the play 主要角色 a comic charater 喜剧角色 4)(书写的)字体;符号;字 Chinese characters 汉字 be in charcater适合, 和...相称, 符合多指性格和新扮演的角色 be out of character不适合, 和...不相称, 不符合多指性格和新扮演的角色 characteristic n/adj. distinguishing character特性,特征;特有的,典型的be characteristic of 所特有的 Her predominant characteristic is honesty. 她最为突出的特点是诚恳。 Ambition is a characteristic of all successful businessmen. 雄心勃勃是全部胜利生意人的共同特点。 Lack of attention to the details is characteristic of his work. 缺乏留意细微环节是他的工作的特点. characterize v 1)以为特征 be characterized by His work is characterized by the lack of attention. 2)描述 He characterizes himself as a brave man. 2. compromise n/v n. 1. 妥协,和解[C][U][between] 2. 妥协方案,折衷方法;折衷物[C] I hope we shall come to a compromise. 我希望我们能达成妥协。 make / reach a compromise 达成妥协 The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles. 这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折衷物。 a compromise agreement 折中的协议 vi. compromise with sb. on/over sth. 与某人就某事达成妥协 They compromised with him on the issue. 他们在这一问题上与他达成妥协. Finally they compromised on the price. 最终我们达成妥协,商定了一个价格. promise n/v 1答应 2)有可能, 有望 promising adj. 有前景的,有前途的 comprise v 1 consist of ; be composed of / be made up of / be compromised of 由构成 2 compose ; consititute ; make up 构成,组成 3. involve v 1 involve in 卷入,陷入,参加 be/ get involve in Don’t involve me in solving your matters. 2 make sth. necessary A family involves long-term obligation and responsibility. 一个家庭须要长期的义务和责任. 3 牵涉,涉及;包含,包括 The strike involved many people. 这次罢工牵涉到很多人. be/ get involve in卷入,陷入,参加 be involved with give lots of time, efforts or attention to sth. 在某事上花时间,精力等 The blacks were involved with the racial problems. involved adj. 困难的,有亲密关系的 involvement n 4. hatred n [u] 憎恶, 憎恨 His words stirred up my hatred. 他的话激起了我的仇恨。 There is implacable hatred between the two nations. 两国之间有无法消退的仇恨。 Love and hatred are primary emotions. 爱和恨是基本的情感。 There was hatred in his eyes. 他的眼中有着仇恨的目光. have a hatred for / of resent v 对表示愤恨;怨恨 记忆窍门〕将该词分解成hat和red,则可记成怀着仇恨,将帽(hat)染红(red) 5. illusion n [c] a false idea, belief or impression 错觉,幻觉 A mirage is an optical illusion. 空中楼阁是一种视错觉. under the illusion that 误以为 have an illusion about/ of doingsth. 对(做)某事抱有幻想 have no illusion about / of 对(做)某事不抱有幻想 eg. I was under th


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