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书目 摘 要0 Abstract1 1 绪论2 1.1 原始资料2 1.2 本文的主要设计内容3 2 无人值守变电站的基本学问4 2.1 无人值守变电站的概念4 2.2 无人值守变电站的功能4 2.3 国内外无人值守变电站的现状4 3 电气主接线的确定6 3.1 常用的电气主接线介绍6 3.2 主接线的基本要求6 3.3 35kv变电站可用的电气主接线比较和分析7 4 主变压器的选择11 4.1 主变压器容量的选择11 4.2 主变压器台数的确定11 5 短路电流的计算14 5.1 等值电抗的计算以及等值电路的确定14 5.2 最大运行方式下各点三相接地短路电流的计算14 5.3 短路电流计算结果16 6 一次电气设备的选择与校验17 6.1 一次电气设备选择的一般规定17 6.2 电气设备的选择及校验结果17 6.3 配电装置的简介27 6.4 35kv配电装置的选择与校验27 6.5 10kv配电装置与校验的选择28 6.6 配电装置的布置要求29 7 变电站综合自动化系统31 7.1 变电所综合自动化技术的特点及设计原则31 7.2 无人值班变电站应具备的条件31 致谢33 参考文献34 附录计算说明书35 35kv无人值守变电站初步设计 摘 要变电所是电力系统的重要组成部分,起着变换和安排电能的作用,它干脆影响整个电力系统的平安与经济运行。随着智能电网的发展,无人值守变电站在电网中有着极其重要的作用。本次设计为35kv无人值守变电站初步设计。在设计中要秉承牢靠、经济、好用的原则合理的进行变电所的布置和设备的选择,设计的内容力求概念清晰,层次分明。本次设计的变电站出线中有ⅠⅡ类负荷,因此选择了两台主变互为备用,并且采纳单母分段的主接线形式进一步提高牢靠性。考虑到无人值守的因素,在35kv与10kv两侧选择自动化程度较高的开关柜,所选择的各种电气设备均与开关柜配套。本设计变电所的设计查阅了相关的规范,合理的进行了布局,力求使变电所的构造达到经济、便利的目的。考虑变电站的实际状况,变电所内全部开关柜等都与接地体相连接以确保平安。通过合理的构思与严密设计,我设计出了一个合格的无人值守变电站。 关键词无人值守;变电站;单母分段;开关柜 The Preliminary Design Of 35 Kv Unattended Substation Abstract Substation is an important part of the power system. It plays as transation and distribution of electric energy effect which directly affect the whole power system safety and economical operation. Along with the development of intelligent power grid, the unattended substation in power grid has the extremely vital role. The content of the design is the preliminary design of 35 Kv unattended substation. In this design I make rational arrangement of the substation and I also make choices of equipment under the principle of reliabillity efficiency, economical efficiency, practical applicability. The content and the concept of this design is clear and distinct. Considering their Ⅰ Ⅱ kind of load the choice of the two main transers is set aside. The single mother segmentation of connection further improves the power distribution reliability. Considering the unattended factors on both sides of 35 kv and 10 kv I choose the switchgear cabinet which has a high degree of automation. The other choice of various kinds of electric equipment s a complete set with the switchgear cabinet. Under the related specifications of the substation design I make the reasonable layout, and strive to make the structure of the substation economical and convenient. Considering the actual situation of the substation, all the switchgears in the substation are connected to the grounding body to ensure safety. Under the reasonable conception and the strict principle I designed a qualified unattended substation. Key wordsunattended;substation;single mother segmentation;switchgear cabinet 1 绪论 1.1 原始资料 35kV进线35kV进线一回由A-110kV变电站至东方红,导线为LGJ-120。另一回由B-35kV变电站至东方红,导线为LGJ-120。本变电站主要供县级厂工业用电及居民用电,故电压等级35kV、10kV两级。主要负荷数据如表1.1所示 表1.1 待建成变电站各电压等级负荷数据 电压等级 用电单位 计算负荷MW 功率因数 回路数 供电方式 距离km 10KV 无线电厂 3级负荷 0.80 0.8 1 电缆 3 仪表厂 2级负荷 0.5


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