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英文参考文献原文复印件及译文 专 业 姓 名 学 号 指导老师 完成日期 2013 年 6 月 Scientific Literature The most basic request that charged barbed wire net in the city circulates is safe and stable. The core problem of charged barbed wire net safety in the city stability wants to build up to be a with the city mutually accommodative of, reasonable of charged barbed wire net structure. This text passes and programs to the charged barbed wire net with electric power and designs the technique principle of the aspect analysis. Elaborated the standard concerning electric voltage grade, power supply credibility, power supply ability and charged barbed wire net safe power supply requests etc. some problems that should notice in the charged barbed wire net safety; And have already aimed at sexs elaborating request to the concrete design principle opposite charged barbed wire net safe power supply of the 220 kV transer substation and 110kV transer substation. In early 2001, Italy power company installation and transation of 30000000smart meters, built intelligent measurement network. In 2005, Campbell invented a technique, using the Swarm group behavior principle, let the buildings electrical coordinate each other, reduce building at peak power consumption. This technique gives the appliance in intelligent, improve energy utilization efficiency. In 2006, the Council of the European Union energy green book European sustainable, competitive and secure energy strategy A European Strategy for Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy emphasizes the smart grid technology is the guarantee of the quality of electric power is one of the key technology and development direction. In mid 2006, a company called dot Grid Point company began selling a can be used to detect the home circuit power consumption of electronic products, available through the Internet communication technology to adjust the power consumption of household appliances. In 2006, American IBM company and the global power professional research institutions, power enterprises in the development of the smart grid solution. This program is metaphor for the power system of the central nervous system, power company can through the use of sensors, gauges, digital control and analysis tools, automatic monitoring network, optimize the network perance, prevent the power-off, faster recovery of power supply, consumer power use management can also be refined to each network device. In 2007October, in East China power grid is officially launched the smart grid project feasibility study and planning, from 2008 to2030 three paces go the strategy. In 2008the United States Colorado, Boulder Boulder has become the nations first smart grid city, every household in installing smart meters, people can be very intuitive understanding of the price, in order to put some things, such as washing clothe


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