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2YAH1548型圆振动筛设计 摘要 目前我国各种选煤厂运用的设备中,振动筛(筛分机)是问题较多、修理量较大的设备之一。这些问题突出表现在筛箱断梁、裂帮、稀油润滑的箱式振动器漏油、齿轮打齿、轴承温升过高、噪声过大等问题,同时伴有传动带跳带、断带等故障。这类问题干脆影响了振动筛(筛分机)的运用寿命,严峻影响了生产。2YAH1548型圆振动筛可以很好的解决此类问题,因此本次设计的振动筛为2YAH1548型圆振动筛,该系列振动筛主要用于煤炭行业中物料分级、脱水、脱泥、脱介等作业。其工作牢靠,筛分效率高,但设备自身较重。设计分析论述了设计方案,包括振动筛的分类与特点和设计方案的确定;对物料的运动分析;对振动筛的动力学分析及动力学参数的计算;合理设计振动筛的结构尺寸;进行了激振器的偏心块等设计与计算,包括原始的设计参数,电动机的设计与校核;进行了主要零部件的设计与计算,皮带的设计计算与校核,弹簧的设计计算,轴的强度计算,轴承的选择与计算,然后进行了设备修理、安装、润滑及密封的设计,最终进行了振动筛的环保以及经济分析。 关键词振动筛;激振器;圆振动筛 Abstract At present, Chinas coal preparation plant all the equipment used in the shaker is more problems, maintenance of one of the larger equipment. These issues in sieve outstanding perance me off beam, crack help, lubrication oil dilute the box-type vibrator oil spills, fighting tooth gear, bearing temperature rise too high, major issues such as noise, accompanied by dancing with broken belts, such as fault zone. Such issues directly affecting the life of the shaker, which has seriously affected the production. 2YAH1548-round good shaker can solve such problems, so this shaker designed for round 2 YAH1548-shaker, the series of major shaker in the materials used in the coal industry classification, dehydration, desliming, such as referrals from Operations. Its reliable, efficient screening, but their heavy equipment. Design analysis on the design options, including the classification and shaker features and design programmes to be confirmed; materials on the movement of the shaker and the dynamics of the parameters, to design the structure of vibrating screen size; conduct The eccentric block of the exciter, such as design and calculation, including the original design parameters, motor design and verification; were the main components of the design and calculation, belts and check the design and calculation, the design of spring, the axis of Strength, the choice of bearings and calculation and then proceed to the maintenance of equipment, installation, lubrication and seal the design, a shaker final environmental and economic analysis. Key words shaker; Vibrator; round shaker 目 录 摘要I AbstractII 1 绪论1 1.1前言1 1.2背景1 振动筛的发展概况1 我国振动筛的发展概况2 1.3振动筛的分类3 1.4筛分机械发展方向4 2振动筛筛面物料运动理论4 2.1筛上物料的运动分析4 2.2正向滑动6 2.3反向滑动7 2.4跳动条件的确定7 2.5物料颗粒跳动平均运动速度8 3.振动筛的工作原理及结构组成9 3.1圆振动筛的工作原理9 3.2振动筛基本结构10 筛箱10 激振器11 支承装置和隔振装置11 3.2.4 传动装置11 4.振动筛动力学基本理论11 5.振动筛参数计算14 5.1运动学参数的确定14 5.2振动筛工艺参数的确定16 5.3动力学参数17 5.4电动机的选择17 电动机功率计算17 选择电机18 电机的启动条件的校核18 6主要零件的设计与计算19 6.1轴承的选择与计算19 轴承的选择19 轴承的寿命计算20 6.2皮带的设计20 选取皮带的型号20 传动比21 带轮的基准直径21 带速21 确定轴间距和带的基准长度21 6.3轴的设计22 轴的设计特点22 轴的常用材料23 轴的强度验算23 6.4支承弹簧设计验算26 7振动筛的安装维护及润滑29 7.1振动筛的安装及调试30 安装前的打算30 安装30 试运转30 7.2操作要点31 7.3维护与检修30 维护31 常见故障处理31 7.4振动筛的轴承润滑的改进31 7.4.1措施32 效果32 8 设备的环保、牢靠性和经济评价32 8.1 设备的环保32 8.2 设备的牢靠性32 牢靠度的计算32 牢靠度的计算33 8.3设备的经济评价33 8.3.1投资回收期33 设备合理的更新期34 结束语35 致谢35 参考文


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