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淄博市2024高考英语阅读类系列系列(9)及答案 201***河南示范中学适应性测试 What would I do for Carols 50th birthday It was __1__ that she didnt want a party, certainly not a surprise party that was an agreement at our marriage. “How about a small dinner with __2__ ” I asked. “No,” she said,“I hate being the center of __3__” Still, the milestone had to be marked. __4__ wasnt going to let her get away with a Stouffers frozen dinner and a movie video, __5__ this was all she said she wanted. I thought and thought,and __6__ making my decision, I sent a letter to her friends, asking them for photos,poems,and letters. “Carol doesnt __7__ a party in person...but Im hoping to __8__ her a party in a book.” I bought a n __9__ with a friends advice, and what I wanted __10__. For a few minutes at the end of every workday, I __11__ pull out the marking pens and make up the __12__, Carols. Photos of her in junior high, pictures of us __13__ the boys, original songs, notes, cards, and poems. It made me __14__ for all the years we had had together. The __15__ was more than the album. It was the friendship and love she had given to me and to our kids and to all her friends and family. You could __16__ it on every page. I wrapped it up and __17__ it home. “Happy birthday,sweetie,” I said. “Its not a frozen dinner or a video, but its __18__ you deserve.” She cried. She doesnt ___19__ like to cry, but I think she likes the book. Shes said so many times. And every time I remind her __20__ putting it together was a gift to me. 用什么方式庆祝妻子Carol的50岁生日呢作者的做法很独特。 1.A. amazing B. clear C. unusual D. important 答案B。我要为Carol的50岁生日做点什么呢明显她不想举办生日聚会,当然不是一个惊喜聚会,这是我们婚姻中的约定。由括号内的内容可知,她不想举办生日聚会是明显的事实。It is clear that...明显。 2.A. neighbours B. children C. friends D. classmates 答案C。“和挚友们一块吃顿饭怎么样”我问她。由下文征求挚友们的看法可知,此处不是指和孩子们吃饭,而是指和挚友们吃顿饭。 3.A. attention B. comment C. view D. interest 答案A。她回答道,“不,我厌烦成为众人留意的中心。” 4.A. She B. It C. He D. I 答案D。我不想让她50岁的生日就这么轻易地不声不响地过去。get away with侥幸逃脱。 5.A. for B. or C. and D. when 答案C。我不想让她吃一种一般的晚餐和看影碟度过她的生日,但是这正是她说她想要的全部。此处考查and的熟词生义,and在此意为“而,但是”,如Vegetable oil is digestible and mineral oil is not.植物油易消化而矿物油则不行。因为不知and的这一意思索生易误认为此处表示因果关系而错选for。 6.A. before B. after C. when D. once 答案B。我想呀想,在打定办法以后,我给她的挚友们寄了一封信,向她们要照片、诗词和信件。 7.A. want B. have C. hold D. attend 答案A。信上说“Carol本人不想要举办一次生日聚会”。want sth.想要某种东西。 8.A. make B. choose C. find D. give 答案D。“但我希望在一本书中给她举办一次生日聚会。”give sb.a party为某人举办一次聚会。 9.A. album B. novel C. mirror D. overcoat 答案A。在一个挚友的建议下我买了一本相簿。 10.A. went on B. poured in C. turned


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