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二、20242024年淄博市中考试题单词拼法 (一)名词 考查内容 考查语境(依据) 答案 考查形式 1. Last month 10 people were killed in the two traffic a________. 2024 2. There will be a heavy snow tonight, And the t_________ will fall below zero. 2024 3. China joined WTO at the b_______ of the 21st century. 2024 4. Titanic is one of the most interesting m__________. 2024 5. Most Iraqis伊拉克人 hate American and British s very much. 2024 6. When autumn comes the l on the trees turn yellow. 2024 7. Write down the new words on your paper, and be sure not to make m_______in your spelling. 2024 8. Today is June 1st. Many c_________ are playing in the park. 2024 9. We should brush ou日 t twice a day. 2024 10. Mum used to tell me funny s before I went to sleep. 2024 11. The river is about two hundred f wide. We all can swim across it. 2024 (二)代词 考查内容 考查语境(依据) 答案 考查形式 1. Help y __________ to some fish and chicken, boys. 2024 2. The children can take good care of t__________ while you’re not here. Don’t worry about them.2024 3. Please don’t get the books together. These are mine and those are t_________.2024 (三)数词 考查内容 考查语境(依据) 答案 考查形式 1. Please tell me when the S______ World War started. 2024 (四)介词 考查内容 考查语境(依据) 答案 考查形式 1. Now we have to get t________ the exams. 2024 2. I’m going to Qingdao f_______ my summer vacation. 2024 3. We hope you can enjoy yourself d _____ your stay in China. 2024 (三)形容词 考查内容 考查语境(依据) 答案 考查形式 1. Iraq is an A________ country, do you know 2024 2. It’s much h_________ than yesterday. Would you like to go swimming 2024 3. Our teacher is very k_____ and friendly to us. 2024 4. Mike is 6 feet tall. He is the t____ in our class. 2024 5. The Yangtze Rover is the l_________ river in China. 2024 6. He is i_____ in English. He wants to be an English teacher. 2024 7. We were all e_____ when we got to the top of the mountain. 2024 8. Light music often makes us feel r________. 2024 9. The air will get much f____ when you open the window. 2024 10. The more careful you are, the f_______ mistakes you’ll make. 2024 11. The libraries in our city are o_______ to the public every day. 2024 (四)副词 考查内容 考查语境(依据) 答案 考查形式 1. I can’t catch you. Please speak c______ .2024 2. L_____ for us, we won the relay race. 2024 3. Who jumps f__________ in your class 2024 4. It seems that he is t__________ ill. 2024


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