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淄博市2024高考英语阅读类系列系列(8)及答案 完形填空 201***皖南八校第三次联考 A new book about Chinesestyle tough parenting has caused debate in the US. Amy Chua, the author of Battle Hymn颂歌 of the Tiger Mother,is a ChineseAmerican professor at Yale Law School,also a mother of two. The __1__ s she used with her daughters would seem __2__ to Westerners. In school her daughters werent allowed to make grades __3__ than As. They had to __4__playing the piano or violin even for hours a day. There has been wide criticism 指责of Chuas book in the US. “Its a kind of __5__,” said a professor at New York University, “standards of parenting need to be __6__. Children need parents to __7__ them, not to force them to do things theyre probably not interested in.” Now the criticism seems to have __8__ to China. An __9__ expert Sun Yunxiao argued Chuas of __10__ would limit children from developing their full __11__.“ and that ,focusing too much on test scores and good degrees,” Sun said,“parents would __12__ their kids ability fully to develop and to enjoy life.” __13__ critics指责家 might have sympathy for kids experiencing this parenting style, some teenagers quite __14__ it. “I think anyone can do well if they work hard enough,” said a 17yearold boy,“A __15__ mother is there to help her kids work hard.” Others think that Chua has an __16__ in setting challenging goals for kids. “Its vital for children,” said an American professor,“ __17__ ,kids need to be __18__ sometimes. If you urge kids to do well, theyre good at it, and they __19__. Its good to have high __20__”. 一本以中式方法培育孩子的新书在美国引起了争议,原委是对是错,专家们对此见仁见智。 1.A. rough B. stubborn C. strict D. vivid 答案C。她对女儿实施的严格的strict的教化方法在西方人看起来好像是不行思议的。 2.A. unimaginable B. unimportant C. uninteresting D. unnecessary 答案A。unimaginable难以想像的,不行思议的。 3.A. higher B. fewer C. less D. lower 答案D。她要求在学校女儿们的考试成果不能低于lowerA级。 4.A. drill B. practise C. rcise D. experience[来源学|科|网] 答案B。她们还必需每天练习practise弹钢琴或小提琴数小时。 5.A. routine B. extreme C. excellence D. encouragement 答案B。纽约高校的一位教授说这是种极端extreme的表现。 6.A. practical B. high C. specific D. low 答案A。他认为教化子女的标准应当是切合实际的practical。 7.A. replace B. love C. force D. guide 答案D。孩子们须要父母的引导guide,而不是强迫他们做他们很可能不感爱好的事情。 8.A. spread B. belonged C. turned D. referred 答案A。如今,这种指责好像已经传播到了spread中国。 9.A. concerned B. delighted C. optimistic D. nervous 答案A。一位有关的/关注此事的专家孙云晓认为Chua的教化孩子的方法会限制孩子们开发他们的潜能。concerned关切/注的,有关的。 10.A. caring B. fond C. supporting D. parenting 答案D。parenting哺育,抚养,教养。 11.A. goal B. potential


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