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淄博市2024高考英语阅读类系列系列(5)及答案 201***辽宁卷 This year I decided to do something to regain my good name as a kindly uncle.My __1__, Tony,had never forgiven me for the dictionary I had bought him as a birthday present last year.His__2__ had no reason to be thankful to me either,because the year before,I had __3__ their dear son with a pot of paste 浆糊 and some funny pictures.Instead of__4__ them into a book,Tony had naturally covered every wall in the house with them.This year,__5__, I decided to let him __6__ for himself. We went into a big shop,but Tony was very particular about __7__.Although I tried to show him toy after toy,he was not to be __8__.Then I saw he suddenly became __9__;he had discovered something he really likeda large tin drum.I was quite happy too__10__ I thought what Tonys mother would say when she saw it.Nobody would get any __11__ for weeksI led Tony away __12__,saying that the drum was too expensive. Tony asked for permission to go off __13__ and I made the most of my chance to sit down and __14__ my aching feet.Fifteen minutes passed but there was still no sign of Tony.I began to get __15__ and got up to look for him.I asked a young lady if she had seen a little boy in a grey suit.She looked __16__ her helplessly and pointed out that there were so many __17__ in grey suits.I was just going to call the police for help,when I saw a strange __18__ dressed in strange orange clothes.He was wearing a false beard and had a cavemans axe 斧子 in one hand,and a space gun in the other.It was,of course,Tony,who ined me __19__ that he was the first__20__to fly into space. 本文讲解并描述了作者与侄子之间发生的事情,前年给侄子买了一瓶浆糊和一些图片,结果侄子贴的满屋都是。去年给他买了词典,也没得到宽恕,今年确定干点赢回名声的事情,结果差点把侄子丢了。 1.A.cousin B.daughter C.grandson D.nephew 答案D。由上文的uncle和下文的son可知,此处应填nephew侄子。 2.A.friends B.parents C.classmates D.brothers 答案B。由3空后的their son推断,此处应填parents,父母。 3.A.presented B.annoyed C.confused D.occupied 答案A。我给了他们儿子一瓶浆糊和一些图片。present...with...送给某人某物;annoy使苦恼;confuse...with...把和混淆;occupy占据。 4.A.entering B.dividing C.sticking D.drawing 答案C。他没有把图片贴进书里,而把图片贴的满屋都是。enter进入;divide分开;stick粘贴;draw画。 5.A.anyhow B.though C.again D.therefore 答案D。依据上下文的意思,此处表示因果关系。therefore所以,符合题意。anyhow不管什么;though尽管。 6.A.guess B.choose C.pay D.see 答案B。上文提到的礼物,侄子都不满足,所以这次确定叫他自己选择。 7.A.sweets B.toys[来源Z|xx|k.Com] C.clothes D.books 答案B。由下文的toy after toy可知,此处填toy。be particular about对挑剔。 8.A.pleased B.disturbed[来源Zxxk.Com] C.accepted D.disappointed 答案A。尽管看了一个又一个玩具,但他都不满足。pleased满足的,兴奋的;disturbed担忧的,心理不正常的;accept接受;disappointed悲观的。 9.A.surprised B.hopeful C.patient D.excited 答案D。从下文中我们知道,Tony看到了他喜爱的东西,故他很兴奋。surprised惊异的;hopeful有希望的;patient耐性的;excited兴奋的。 10.A.after B.until C.unless D.since 答案B。看到侄子兴奋,自己也兴奋,但是想到他母亲的话后,自己不再兴奋。也就是兴奋到自己想到Tony妈妈说的话为止。 11.A.shock B.trouble C.peace D.time 答案C。因为侄子看到的是“鼓”,一但敲起鼓来,人们会不得安静。shock震惊;trouble麻烦;peace和平,宁静,安静;time时间。 12.A.happily B.eagerly C.cautiously D.quickly 答案D。想到这一切,我抓紧带侄子走开。happily兴


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