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2024中考英语专题复习 (词汇A及完型填空学程单) 海门市悦来初中 郁亚如 一.词汇A 1.了解近三年南通市中考英语试卷词汇A的占比状况,和命题特点。 2.懂得做词汇题的解题技巧。 3.体验各地的2024年词汇中考题,走进中考。 4.请依据括号中的 中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中 所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1.).We see smiling faces________ (到处)here and they make us feel at home. 2024南通) 2.)So far, our football team has won every match this year. That makes us feel_______ 骄傲的. 2024南京) 3.)At christmas,my uncle gave me a watch as a__________. 2024徐州) 4.)Most people in china couldn’t __________买得起)cars twenty years ago. 2024宿迁) 5.)Nick’s mother worries about his____________healthylifestyle,though he is a college student.2024镇江) 6.)David showed great __________志气)during his fight against illness last year.2024泰州) 7.)Our government has done a lot to protect the environment. Lots of ______________被污染的)rivers are much cleaner now.2024连云港) 8.)Many famous ___________director wives appeared at the film festival with their husbands.2024镇江 9.)You need to have a dream.The future of China ___________依靠)on you. 2024无锡) 10.)Life is like a race.I’m ready to take on new _____________挑战)any time.2024苏州) 11.)Some classical pieces at the concert are traditional and have a lasting________ 价值).(2024徐州) 12.)It’s wrong of you to believe or _______ 扩散)some untrue news on the Internet.(2024盐城) 二. 完型填空 1. 了解完形填空解题步骤和技巧。 2. 学会运用完形填空解题技巧,词语重现和逻辑推理。 3. 体验中考,提高卷面成果的自信念。 4. Complete a cloze test rcise in the paper. Sheila bought a new lunch bag for school. On the way to school, she looked inside. She hoped that a new lunch bag meant something new for lunch, __16__ she found the same lunch as alwaysa sandwich. When the lunch bell rang, Sheia found her bag and carried it to the dining hall. She opened it and __17__ two pieces of fried chicken, several strawberries, and an egg. ‘Wow’ Sheila said. ‘Thats what I call __18__’ 16. A. and B. so C. but D. or 17. A. showed B. discovered C. wanted D. offered 18. A. lunch bag B. dining hall C. breakfast D. lunch The next morning, Sheila opened her lunch bag and looked inside. Sure enough, she found another __19__. But when she opened the bag at lunchtime in the dining hall, she discovered a piece of pizza, an orange, and a cake. ‘My lunch bag __20__ be magic,’ Sheila said. ‘Theres no such thing as magic,’ her friend Douglas __21__.‘There is,’ Sheila said. ‘My mother __22__ packs me a sandwich. But ever since I got this new lunch bag, the sandwich has changed into something I like.’ ‘Maybe your mothers packing __23__ things for a change.’ ‘No,’ Sheila said. ‘I checked in the morning. The sandwich changes __24__.’ 19. A. sandwichB. chicken C. egg D. orange 20. A. can B. must C. may D. need 21. A. disturbed B. discovered C. disappeared D. disagreed 22. A. never B. seldom C. often D. ever 23. A. different B. same C.


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