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学业质量阐述 Academic Quality Descriptions 1. 学业质量内涵 Connotation of Academic Quality 学业质量是学生在完成课程阶段性学习后的学业成就表现,反映核心素养要求。学业质量标准是以核心素养为主要维度,结合课程内容,对学生学业成就具体表现特征的整体刻画。 Academic quality is the perance of students academic achievement after completing the phased learning of the course, which reflects the requirements of core competencies. The academic quality standard is an overall description of the specific perance characteristics of students academic achievements with the core quality as the main dimension and in combination with the curriculum content. 数学课程学业质量标准是学业水平考试命题及评价的依据,同时对学生的学习活动、教师的教学活动、教材的编写等具有重要的指导作用。 The academic quality standard of mathematics course is the basis for the proposition and uation of academic achievement examination. It also plays an important guiding role in students learning activities, teachers teaching activities and the compilation of teaching materials. 2. 学业质量框架阐述 Academic Quality Framework Descriptions 依据义务教育各阶段学生核心素养表现、各学段课程目标及学业要求,数学课程学业质量标准主要从以下三个方面来评估学生核心素养达成及发展情况。如下图2所示,为学业质量框架示意图。 According to the perance of students core competencies at each stage of compulsory education, the course objectives and academic requirements of each learning stage, the academic quality standard of mathematics course mainly uates the achievement and development of students core competencies from the following three aspects. As shown in the Figure 2 below, it is a schematic diagram of academic quality framework. 。 图2 为学业质量框架示意图 Figure 1 Schematic Diagram of Academic Quality Framework (1)以结构化数学知识主题为载体,在形成与发展“四基”的过程中所形成的抽象能力、推理能力、运算能力、几何直观和空间观念等。 (2)从学生熟悉的生活与社会情境,以及符合学生认知发展规律的数学与科技情境中,在经历“用数学的眼光发现和提出问题,用数学的思维与数学的语言分析和解决问题”的过程中所形成的模型观念、数据观念、应用意识和创新意识等。 (3)学生经历数学的学习运用、实践探索活动的经验积累,逐步产生对数学的好奇心、求知欲,以及对数学学习的兴趣和自信心,初步养成独立思考、探究质疑、合作交流等学习习惯,初步形成自我反思的意识。 1 Taking the topic of structured mathematical knowledge as the carrier, the abstract ability, reasoning ability, computing ability, geometric intuition and spatial concept ed in the process of ing and developing the four bases. 2 The model concept, data concept, application awareness and innovation awareness ed in the process of discovering and raising problems with mathematical vision, analyzing and solving problems with mathematical thinking and mathematical language from the familiar life and social situations of students, as well as the mathematics and science and technology situations that con to the law of students cognitive development. 3 Through the accumulation of experience in the learning and application of mathematics and practical exploration activities, students gradually develop curiosity, thirst for knowledge, interest and self-confidence in mathematics learning, initially develop the learning habits of independent thinking, inquiry and questioning, cooperation and communication, and initially the consciousness of self reflection. 3. 分级学业质量标准阐述 Academic Quality Standards Descriptions by Learnin


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