此文档是毕业设计外文翻译成品( 含英文原文中文翻译),无需调整复杂的格式下载之后直接可用,方便快捷本文价格不贵,也就几十块钱一辈子也就一次的事 外文标题Motivating factors and barriers in the commencement of one’s own business for potential entrepreneurs 外文作者Marcin Staniewski Katarzyna Awruk 文献出处 Economic Research, 2019,Vol. 28, No. 1, 583–592 如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做 英文4449单词,29563字符字符就是印刷符,中文7173汉字。(如果字数多了,可自行删减,大多数学校都是要求选取外文的一部分内容进行翻译的。) Motivating factors and barriers in the commencement of one’s own business for potential entrepreneurs AbstractThis paper aims to recognise the factors that motivate potential entrepreneurs in the commencement of one’s own business activity and to determine factors that hamper potential entrepreneurs in starting up their own businesses. The study was conducted by surveying 255 people who planned to start their own business. The author’s questionnaire was administered to all participants. Respondents recognised three main factors that motivate people to the commencement of one’s own business activity self-realisation and self-satisfaction, the possibility of higher earnings and independence in decision-making. Among the factors that hamper the commencement of one’s own business, respondents cited lack of experience, lack of capital and risk of failure. There was no difference between women and men with regard to motives and barriers. Younger entrepreneurs perceived more barriers than older entrepreneurs. There was no discernible relationship between age and motive to the commencement of one’s own business. Institutions handling financial aid should pay particular attention to the motives behind setting up a business. Deciding to aid a company should be preceded by an in-depth analysis of what the entrepreneur perceives to be the barriers to starting his/her own business as lack of funds is frequently not the only, or even the key, obstacle. Keywords entrepreneurial behaviour; motivating factors; barriers; entrepreneurship; start up; students 1.Introduction Entrepreneurship has many definitions, but from the perspective of a potential entrepreneur a person who plans the commencement of one’s own business in the near future, two definitions are particularly important entrepreneurship as an endeavour to commence one’s own business as well as one’s survival on the market while actively conducting business activities. These simple definitions imply two queries on which we base this study 1 What factors motivate people to commence their own business activity 2 What factors hamper people in commencing their own business activity We pose these questions as we consider four general arguments rooted in the current literature. The first argument is the importance of entrepreneurship. Numerous papers show that entrepreneurship leads to development of enterprises and contributes to the creation of goods and services Brzeziński, 2007. Entrepreneurship is also a main source of employment especially for women Hisrich Oztrk, 1999; Langan-Fox, 2