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【精品文档】391关于计算机专业对HTML超文本标记语言的概述简jie有关 的外文文献翻译成品:对HTML的介绍(中英文双语对照)

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【精品文档】391关于计算机专业对HTML超文本标记语言的概述简jie有关 的外文文献翻译成品:对HTML的介绍(中英文双语对照)

此文档是毕业设计外文翻译成品( 含英文原文中文翻译),无需调整复杂的格式下载之后直接可用,方便快捷本文价格不贵,也就几十块钱一辈子也就一次的事 外文标题Introducing HTML 外文作者David R.Brooks 文献出处 Programming in HTML and PHP Coding for Scientists and Engineers,2018如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做 英文1848单词,10979字符字符就是印刷符,中文3016汉字。(如果字数多了,可自行删减,大多数学校都是要求选取外文的一部分内容进行翻译的。) Introducing HTML This chapter provides an introduction to using HTML to create simple Web pages suitable for interfacing with PHP applications. Several examples show how to modify the appearance of a document by using HTML tags and their attributes. 1.1 Introducing the Tools 1.1.1 What Is an HTML Document HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language. HTML documents, the foundation of all content appearing on the World Wide Web WWW, consist of two essential parts ination content and a set of instructions that tells your computer how to display that content. These instructionsthe “markup,” in editorial jargoncomprise the HTML “language.” It is not a programming language in the traditional sense, but rather a set of instructions about how to display content in a Web browser. Ideally, online content should look the same regardless of the browser being used or the operating system on which the browser resides. This goal of complete plat independence is achieved only approximately in practice. Every HTML document should contain a minimum of four elements These elements define the essential parts of an HTML document the document itself, a heading section, a title section, and a body. All four elements should be included even if they don’t enclose any content. Every HTML element is defined by one or two tagsusually a start tag and an end tag. Tags are always enclosed in angle brackets . End tags start with a slash /. A few HTML elements have only one tag. The four basic elements are organized as follows within an HTML document The html tag encloses all other tags and defines the boundaries of the HTML document. We will return to the other tags later. The indenting used to set off pairs of tags is optional, but it makes documents easier to create, read, and edit. This style is part of good programming practice in all languages. HTML documents are usually used as to distribute ination for access on the Web. However, for the purposes of this book, HTML documents will be used along with the PHP programming language to create an environment for solving a wide range of computing problems. Good programming technique often involves separating the /output I/O interface from the underlying calculations that do the work of a program. The HTML/PHP programming environment provides a conceptually elegant means of implementing this strategy. An HTML document provides the I/O interface and PHP handles the calculations. An advantage of HTML is that it provides a wealth of interface possibilities that far surpass those of older text-based languages. 1.1.2 How Do You Create HTML Documents Because HTML docu


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